Sue Abrie Author

What About.....Sue Abrie?



I live with my husband, a music composer, a fluffy white Samoyed dog,  two ‘sort of’ rehabilitated street cats and seven baby chicks. (Our only chicken got very clever in her egg hiding and the whole thing is totally out of hand.)

By the way, admitting to myself I was outsmarted by my chicken is one of the hardest self realizations I’ve had to make, let me tell you.

  I have written non fiction articles for years for magazines and newspapers. You would think that would be helpful for fiction writers.  I am here to tell you it is not at all. Other than maybe knowing how to make a subject and verb agree and the discipline of making sure you actually do the writing  not just think about it were the major commonalities

  Getting your facts straight is the antithesis of fiction. Now I get to make up the most outrageous, but plausible lies possible for my invisible friends. What fun!

I am a fanatic about giving you value for your time and I’m trying to design all books, short stories and the newsletter to be interesting and a bit challenging for us ancient history/murder mystery fans.

Please enjoy your free short stories and the Celeste Acton series of books.

The short story subject matter is all over the map and not dealing with the same thread as the Celeste Acton books. Short stories are meant to be a bit of relief during a work day or a quick before bed read. Celeste will keep you up until late…

I’d love to hear from you on the contact page or via the discussions we have over on to:  The Rosetta Stone Bulletin with my subscribers